ospital Wayfinding:
An effective hospital wayfinding program improves the visitors experience and increases staff productivity. Unfamiliar environments breed anxiety and insecurity. Good wayfinding is an essential element to the success of a healthcare facility. The wayfinding program must comply with ADA, JCAHO, and State Health regulations. IDSolutions partners with facility architects and managers to create outstanding wayfinding programs. |
xterior Signs:
Exterior signs provide the "first impression" of the hospital's image, but they must also function as identifiers and wayfinding tools. Hospital signs should say to the visitor that there is care and quality here. Signs should convey feelings of organization, strength, and confidence. Improperly designed hospital signs can destroy an otherwise good public image. |
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esigning and Engineering: The image of health care is rapidly changing. Hospital designers understand that the public relate the overall appearance of a medical facility to the quality of services. Identity and wayfinding signage are a very important and integral part of that image. The design and engineering of your hospital identity and wayfinding program will have immediate and long term effects on revenue and costs. |
nterior Signs & Graphics:
Hospitality is the new design focus in health care. Patients and visitors want an inviting and warm atmosphere even in an environment that demands
efficiency and a high degree of organization. A properly designed interior sign system should compliment the building architecture, expand functionality, and lower maintenance costs. IDSolutions designs premier interior id / wayfinding systems. |
roject Management: Project managers must be familiar with federal, state, and local ordinances and regulations; construction methods and processes; legal contractual agreements; and be able to negotiate product costs to benefit the client. IDSolutions project managers save money, time, and much aggravation often associated with the implementation of identity / wayfinding programs. |
rchitectural / Ornamental: Unique architecture calls for unique architectural identity and wayfinding structures. Special architectural design elements make strong statements of strength instilling public confidence. If your project calls for engineering and fabrication of truly special design features - IDSolutions is the solution. |